Adoption Fee:
Single unneutered female piggy £15
Single neutered male piggy £20
Pair/trio (female) not neutered £25
Pair of neutered male piggies £35
Rehoming criteria: in each animal’s profile we specify the type of home they are looking for.Please ensure you meet the criteria before applying, this is especially important with regards to accommodation and whether they need to be housed indoors or out.
We do not rehome guinea pigs and rabbits to live together.
How we get our guinea pigs ready for adoption
During their stay all guinea pigs:
• Receive an initial entry health check and weigh in
• All adults have a general health check by an exotic vet specialist
• Adult boars are neutered prior to adoption
• For baby boars we give the adopter the option to have them castrated when old enough, and will provide up to £60
toward the cost.
Please note on the advice of our exotics veterinary practice, we do not routinely neuter sows.
• Re-educated to eat a natural diet of fresh meadow hay (from bales), timothy hay, kiln dried grass and suitable
vegetables (twice a day).
We do not feed commercially produced food.
• Given panomec treatment for mites if required.
• Health
checked by staff/foster carers weekly
• Seen a vet within 3 months of being released for rehoming.
This means if a guinea pig is a long stay they will have recently seen a vet, for ours and yours reassurance.
Housing Ideas
• We recommend that guinea pigs live indoors in a C&C (cubes and coroplast) set up. You can read about this type
of housing here:
GPAW Blog: Environment
• Set up size will depend on the number of piggies (and their gender),
here is our rough guide.
• Guinea pigs aren’t climbers although some will use ramps. We recommend the minimum
size is all on 1 level, any added levels and the space they give should be seen as additional. There’s no guarantee your piggy will be brave enough to make use of levels.
Guinea Pig Bonding
How we can help:
• Foster for adoption scheme for Greater Manchester residents
• Guinea pig bonding step by step guide that talks you through the process, what to expect and how to manage different
• Equipment loan, such as indoor housing
Request a copy of our guinea pig bonding guide, email: